A Podcast Of Ice and Fire

Episode 80 - Blackwater Review
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Author:  Amin [ Tue May 29, 2012 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Episode 80 will be released today.... Brynden is going to have to work overtime on this one :mrgreen:

Author:  Usurpationblitz [ Tue May 29, 2012 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Great news! But can the Podcast match the episode? Of course you all can, you're the best best Podcast on the planet.

Author:  MadChef [ Tue May 29, 2012 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Was surprised to see it so early, good work. Looking forward to another Larry guest spot.

Author:  Ashley [ Tue May 29, 2012 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

i'm already terrified for the response.... :|

Author:  Dunk the Lunk [ Tue May 29, 2012 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Man, I can almost TASTE the anticipation! :)

Author:  Pho3niX [ Tue May 29, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Glad to hear that the circlejerk continued in the podcast.

Great episode, and as always, I was interested in Larry's perspective. His views as a non book reader are always so intriguing to me.

I have to agree with his comment about the tv adaptation vs. the books. A lot of people, especially this season (which granted is kinda warranted) are seemingly flipping their tables over all of the creative changes that HBO is taking with the series. And I definitely agree with some of them (Middlefinger, Talisa/Jeyne, Ros still existing, etc.). However, I've always held the view, and I believe that cosmia mentioned this in episode 67, that this isn't a direct port of the books. There are going to be things that are different. For example, if you compare the Harry Potter novels to the movies, there is a lot of material, even major plot devices, that are changed. It's important to try to separate the source from the adaptation, because if you don't you're ultimately just going to be nit picking throughout the adaptation and not enjoying it for what it is; a stand-alone series.

That being said though, I think Larry is nearing the end. Ever since Ned's death last season, it seems that he just hasn't had that same enthusiasm as he had before. I don't think he'll read the books, and it was clear this episode that he doesn't agree with a lot of GRRM's choices in writing. I just need to say this though, if your older brother burned half of your face off in a fire, guess what? YOU'RE GOING TO BE AFRAID OF FIRE. Nothing to do with PTSD. The Hound is clearly pyrophobic, and I couldn't understand why Larry couldn't grasp that. Perhaps they just didn't flesh that part of The Hound out enough (it has been like a season and a half since we heard his origins), but I digress.

Great episode of the podcast, loved the reactions to the bathtub scene :lol:

Author:  MadChef [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Ashley wrote:
i'm already terrified for the response.... :|

Hah, why? This was a great episode.

Author:  hldstdy [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Larry is a bit of a sanctimonious dick isn't he? It's not all about you dude!

Author:  PieWhoWasPromised [ Tue May 29, 2012 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

hldstdy wrote:
Larry is a bit of a sanctimonious dick isn't he? It's not all about you dude!

for real?! I think if Kyle and Mimi were there the rapport would seem more equaled out in volume, but
I think you're confusing enthusiasm for sanctimonious dickery XD.

For me Tywin always defaults to him losing the favor due his treatment of Tyrion, it's tough being a dad and the guy's got his hands full but

This was a bit out of control at times, but a good podcast. Blackwater was bound for sprawlsplosions on the road. I've yet to listen to the 'aftershow yet.

and for one, you can't rush a good mimi guys. 8I

Author:  Death_Sheep [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I sound funny in the aftershow. :lol:

Author:  gsdg [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Amazing episode! The aftershow was a little long, but it was still great! :D

Author:  jesicka309 [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

PieWhoWasPromised wrote:
for real?! I think if Kyle and Mimi were there the rapport would seem more equaled out in volume, but
I think you're confusing enthusiasm for sanctimonious dickery XD.

No... no Kyle??? :( Should I even listen?

Jk jk, I will be downloading this as soon as I get home!! :) Shame I can't get it on my phone's iTunes, I've tried everything! Stupid iPhone!

Author:  brynden [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

jesicka309 wrote:
PieWhoWasPromised wrote:
for real?! I think if Kyle and Mimi were there the rapport would seem more equaled out in volume, but
I think you're confusing enthusiasm for sanctimonious dickery XD.

No... no Kyle??? :( Should I even listen?

Jk jk, I will be downloading this as soon as I get home!! :) Shame I can't get it on my phone's iTunes, I've tried everything! Stupid iPhone!

That seems to be a recent issue (started after ep78). On the PC I can download the episodes - but on my iPod not. Very strange.

Regarding the epsiode: Only 48min in it - so I can not say anything. Until now: linecom1 is great (as are the others).

Author:  gsdg [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

brynden wrote:
linecom1 is great (as are the others).

Agreed. It's great to hear someone point out that people have very differing responses to trauma. I feel that many people forget this when criticizing Sansa for this part in the narrative.

The entire "Sansa rant" section was great.

Author:  Amin [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

brynden wrote:
Regarding the epsiode: Only 48min in it - so I can not say anything.

Brace yourself :lol:

Author:  linecom1 [ Wed May 30, 2012 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Thanks for the kind comments, as usual it was a pleasure to be on board again for such an enjoyable discussion.

props to amin for editing such a massive file so quickly........also LOL at the stuff that he cut out.........for an episode as long as it was, it makes me smile to think of the stuff i said that Amin clearly "did not approve of"...............

love you Ashley ;)

Author:  Puntigamer [ Wed May 30, 2012 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Great episode so far! (only an hour in)

I just want to make one point about the Sandor/Bronn face-off. While I agree that the Hound wins hands down in any fair fight, aren't we shown that Bronn never cares to fight fairly. I think its a pretty safe assumption that he would grab the nearest torch and chase the Hound out of the city...

Also, I think its pretty cool that Martin took the time to write this scene in the episode. This is a stand off that never occurred to me while reading the books, but I could definitely see it happening. It also gave the show a chance to develop some of its secondary characters (something I think it needed).

Looking forward to the next two hours

Edit: I just found this thread and poll in the other forum; sorry to bring it up here!

Author:  brynden [ Wed May 30, 2012 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Woah - I'm finished. Man, that was a long ride :shock:

I think now everybody is waiting for this post. To tease you a little bit I'll put that into spoiler tags:

Spoiler: show
Thank the seven that Amin kindly asked everybody who he/she is.

- Episode 80 is officially the longest episode EVER published by APoIaF with 03:25:33
- the most people EVER appeared on ep. 80 with 18 (former record 11)
- the most people EVER called during an episode with 13 (Amin gets really crazy with this - the former highest number was 5)
- In the history of APoIaF with this episode 66 people were online. I did count the voice-mail (but I didn't get the nickname, sorry), for this time only. It was more a "recorded call in" - and not like the former voice mails.

Although Amin cheated a little bit - when Elio and Stefan were called it is obvious Ashley was not there any more ;) The funny thing: When Amin stated "we need only 2 more" you only needed 1 more in fact. And before Elio came in you had beaten the former record by far (he was numer 16, the former record was 11).

To the episode:
- I liked the review, I understand that the people complain about Larry a little bit. But as Ashley pointed out: He gets as picky as the readers. I think you have to blame the source.
- Cosmia and linecom1 did a really good job.
- Props to Amin and Ashley, you both really sound tired, that was a really long recording session.
- I really enjoyed the format you two developed in between - pick three questions and call random people. That seems to work quite well.

Author:  razycus [ Wed May 30, 2012 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Oh yeees! An anime version! Because I read the books after season 1 was out I constantly found myself thinking about how certain scenes would look like on screen, and my mind immediately went to anime. It would, most likely, end up being like the original Berserk series only with better quality animation. If done right, it could probably be very true to the original novels and could be quite awesome. And have Stannis NOT bang Mellisandre in front of me. When I got to Renly in ACOK I just got so mad that HBO spoiled be about his sexuality. What will they do next? Show us Theon's gash?...

My brother refuses to read the books (mostly just to spite me, because I keep telling him how awesome it is day and night). He said that it will ruin the show for him. But what do you do when the show ruins the books for you? Well, I don't think the books can be ruined, but it takes away some of the joy of discovering stuff by yourself.

He hasn't started watching the second season yet. He's waiting for it to be done and watch the episodes back to back. I just hope he doesn't catch on to stuff and gets confused or something and comes to me for clarifications. Then I could just stuff the books in his face. :twisted:

Reading the first book after the first season wasn't that big of a deal because it just filled in so many gaps that I had (I was literally shocked when I found out that Cersei had 3 kids, and when I told my brother he thought I was spoiling him - even show watchers have shocking lack of knowledge). Actually it depends how you look at things... Ned's death wasn't a shocker because Sean Bean's earlier movies foreshadowed his outcome. I hate the fact that I don't know what my reaction would have been had I not known this...

Author:  Fuzzymotion [ Wed May 30, 2012 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

It was awesome to be on, although I talked way too fast. The podcast can drunk dial me anytime. :D

Author:  cosmia [ Wed May 30, 2012 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I haven't listened to it yet since my iPod is being weird and I always listen on my commute to work, but I'm glad people enjoyed and that APOIAF invited me to be on the show again! I wonder if my rant about Cercei made the cut. I enjoy getting all feministy!

Author:  SisterClegane [ Wed May 30, 2012 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

jesicka309 wrote:
PieWhoWasPromised wrote:
for real?! I think if Kyle and Mimi were there the rapport would seem more equaled out in volume, but
I think you're confusing enthusiasm for sanctimonious dickery XD.

No... no Kyle??? :( Should I even listen?

Jk jk, I will be downloading this as soon as I get home!! :) Shame I can't get it on my phone's iTunes, I've tried everything! Stupid iPhone!

Yeah, I'm so mad I can't get it on my iPhone! I listen to it during my commute so usually I just stream it from the iTunes store. Guess I'll have to download :cry:

Author:  GREENDEFENSE [ Wed May 30, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I'm fine with Larry missing a ton of stuff most people got, or complaining about stuff just like everyone else. But he dominates the show and those faults become glaring. And he speaks with no doubt in his mind. So I am putting my hand up as someone who found it annoying. I think a better (for podcast reasons) tv-only person could be found for their perspective.

Again though. He doesnt care about Mance? Isnt excited for next season? ok then. go review something else for the money to buy anime and a 3ds.

Author:  linecom1 [ Wed May 30, 2012 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

cosmia wrote:
I wonder if my rant about Cercei made the cut. I enjoy getting all feministy!

yeah it did.............my special conversation with ashley, however, did not.............:P

Author:  Amin [ Wed May 30, 2012 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

brynden wrote:
- Episode 80 is officially the longest episode EVER published by APoIaF with 03:25:33
- the most people EVER appeared on ep. 80 with 18 (former record 11)
- the most people EVER called during an episode with 13 (Amin gets really crazy with this - the former highest number was 5)
- In the history of APoIaF with this episode 66 people were online. I did count the voice-mail (but I didn't get the nickname, sorry), for this time only. It was more a "recorded call in" - and not like the former voice mails.

Although Amin cheated a little bit - when Elio and Stefan were called it is obvious Ashley was not there any more ;) The funny thing: When Amin stated "we need only 2 more" you only needed 1 more in fact. And before Elio came in you had beaten the former record by far (he was number 16, the former record was 11).[/spoiler]

Yes, Ashley had fallen asleep when Elio and Stefan finally woke up for breakfast and I gave them a quick call :mrgreen: The very last "call in" at the end was Kristen/InshallahMorocco, who had very unstable internet being in Morocco right now. Just asked her to send over a recorded file instead after 3 failed skype calls.

Author:  FTWard [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I thought that "Sandor's drinking buddy" was in a scene later dressed as a Kingsguard where he relayed information to Cersei. I was thinking he was stealth Osmund Kettleblack?

Author:  Motley_Fool [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I really enjoyed this episode of the podcast. I like Larry's contributions as a TV Show only guy. He makes for a good sounding board to ask whether certain things are coming across or not in the TV show. Wish Amin wasn't so absent from the episode.

Author:  The Ragged Man [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

Another really good job.
But what is up with Ashley's sound??

Author:  grogsmash [ Wed May 30, 2012 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

I loved the episode but as others have mentioned, Larry really seems to have lost his enthusiasm for the show. His last couple of reviews have been very lackluster. It seems at this point he is just doing the reviews because they are popular and not because he has much interest in Game of Thrones anymore.

Author:  Belwas [ Wed May 30, 2012 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 80 - Blackwater Review

grogsmash wrote:
I loved the episode but as others have mentioned, Larry really seems to have lost his enthusiasm for the show. His last couple of reviews have been very lackluster. It seems at this point he is just doing the reviews because they are popular and not because he has much interest in Game of Thrones anymore.

I agree. I still think Larry is good guest host and a good reviewer, because he is well spoken and he has strong opinions and a broad knowledge TV shows and movies. But the number one thing i liked about his reviews for season one was his emotions. You could see in him the emotions we felt as readers when reading the books for the first time, and it was great to see the show generating the same emotional response. I still remember him taking like a full minute of silence to get over the fact that Bran was pushed out the window. Since loosing all his favorite characters he has been completely disconnected from the show emotionally. He rationalizing everything and he is analyzing the show with the same distance that most readers do. I still like watching/listening to Larry, but i used to love it...

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