
FAQ, Statistics, and Details

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What am I listening to?

A: Don’t panic.  If you were looking for a panel of Literature professors, you’ve found the wrong podcast.  Exit cautiously.  But if you can handle some lowbrow humor and giggling, we hope that you stick with us and learn to love House Manwoody.

Q: How do I listen to the older episodes?

A: The RSS feed contains the most recent episodes. Older episodes may be downloaded from the download page. If you are trying to listen on your smartphone, it may be easier to download the older episodes on your computer and then transfer over to your phone.

Q: I’d like to join you for an episode or contact you.    How can I become a guest host?

A: Please read the forum topic: guest hosting on the podcast. For email contact, email us at iceandfirepodcast@gmail.com

Q: How can I contribute to the podcast and tell you how wrong you were about something?

A: Post a comment on an episode! Join our forums or our discord channel (the latter is more active now) Fill out a podcast feedback survey.  Don’t be afraid to give our Facebook and Twitter some love too.  Or hate.

Q: I have listened to every episode and just can’t get enough of your podcast! Help me?

A: Check out our offshoot podcast, the Bastards of Kingsgrave! Also check out the listener run Vassals of Kingsgrave, with over 100 hosts spanning 6 continents!

Interview & Special Guest Episodes*

  • Fantasy Flight Games: Episode 92 (AGOT 2nd edition board game), Episode 103 (Days of Ice and Fire), Episode 128 (AFFC & ADWD variants), Episode 134 (AGOT card game, Episode 190, Episode 236 (Mother of Dragons expansion for Board Game)
  • Asmodee Games and Dire Wolf Digital: Episode 258 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition)
  • Westeros.org (Elio & Linda): Episode 88, Episode 37, Episode 158 (World of Ice and Fire Interview)
  • Winter is Coming/Watchers on the Wall (Phil, Susan, Marko, FaBio): Episode 97,  Episode 43, Episode 40, Episode 32,
  • Tower of the Hand (Alex): Episode 45
  • Atlus – Game of Thrones RPG (Aram & Scott): Episode 70
  • Inn at the Crossroads (Chelsea & Sariann): Episode 79, Episode 58
  • Beyond the Wall (Alyssa Rosenberg,  Brent Hartinger, Susan Vaught): Episode 83, Episode 84, Episode 86
  • A Flight of Sorrows (Amin & Mimi): Episode 122, Episode 89
  • Boiled Leather (Stefan Sasse & Sean T. Collins): Episode 98, Episode 185
  • Sourcefed (Trisha Hershberger): Episode 139
  • History of Westeros (Aziz and Ashaya):  Episode 157, Episode 162

*Note that many guests have appeared in other episodes; these are for the most part the episodes with their first introduction and/or dedicated to their relevant website or topic.

Podcast Terminology

To suggest new terminology or see a larger list of terminology/theories, check out the forum post here or fanart here.

  • Martin Genetics – The laws of genetics present in Martin’s world, derived by Amin and Mimi. Generally this term is used in reference to Baratheon black hair and ‘lusty’ gene, Stark, Tully, and Targaryen looks, as well as the Targaryen ‘two sides of the coin’ situation. It can also deal with the effects of incest in Martin’s world.
  • Manwoody – House Manwoody is an old Dornish noble house in the series that has is mentioned, but currently irrelevant in the storyline.  Upon discovering that such an awesomely named House exists, the podcast has proudly taken up its banners.  Manwoody rules over Kingsgrave, a full sentence that portrays ‘badassery’ and hilarity at the same time.   Note: the current heirs to the House are named Mors Manwoody and Dickon Manwoody.
  • Blackwoody – House Blackwoody Blackwoody is the term coined by Ashley in reference to our podcast’s sometimes black sheep status in fandom.
  • San/San – A popular terminology among ASOIAF shippers, and frequently referenced by Ashley 1, this refers to the idealized relationship pairing between Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane.
  • King Tommen – Our nickname for our former one-time host, Ben, who greatly resembled the child king of Westeros.  And might have died when a tree fell on his house, partly fulfilling Maggy the Frog’s prophecy.
  • Creaking Door – A reference to Aeron Damphair Greyjoy’s childhood flashback of “the scream of a rusted iron hinge” tied into his fear and hatred for Euron Crow’s Eye.   This crackpot theory has been distilled down to a general catch-all for describing creepy behavior. Another podcast reference to the creaking door was Aeron’s sneaking into Aegon’s room at night to threaten making him into his sister to marry.
  • Booby-trapped saddle (or else booby-sapped traddle) – What happens when a new Game of Thrones viewer/non-reader gets confused by plot intricacy and obtains access to Twitter.  The roughly paraphrased tweet: “Catelyn took Tyrion hostage because he gave her son a booby-trapped saddle!”  The idea that Tyrion would commission a saddle that is rigged to eject Bran off his horse is both brilliant and seductive, and gained immediate appreciation in our podcast.

APOIAF Statistics (2012)

As curated by Bryden, noted Podcast Historian

Summary of APOIAF stats, as of the end of 2012:

  • Number of released episodes: 96 (official number is 95 but episode 3 was released in 2 parts)
  • Number of different people appearing on the show: 76
  • Maximum number of hosts without call-ins: 9
  • Maximum number of people in one show (with call-ins): 18 (Ep. 80) including 5 regular hosts and 13 call-ins (that is also the episode with the most call-ins)
  • Minimum number of people in one show: 2 (Ep. 51)
  • Official hosts with most appearances:
    1) Amin – 78 / 81%
    2) Mimi –  72 / 75%
    3) Ashley – 60 / 62%
    4) Kyle – 50 / 52%
  • Official host with least appearances: Ben with 3 appearances
  • Guest host(s) with most appearances: Elio Garcia (8), Apocalypse Dan (6), Christina (6)
  • The longest released episode was 03 hours 25 minutes (Ep. 80 – Blackwater), the shortest only 23 minutes (Ep. 11).
  • On average, an episode is 01:34 min long.
  • All episodes together would be at the moment (after 96 episodes) 8977 min or 6.23 days long.
  • The longest hiatus was 266 days (between ep. 32/33) – the shortest zero days (between quite a few episodes), on average the podcast realeases a new episode every 18 days.
  • Most episodes released on one day: 3 on 2012-12-20 (episodes 93, 94, 95)

APOIAF Listener Survey Statistics (2013)*

* – The individual feedback for each podcast host is not listed here, but was covered in Episode 140.

What year did you start listening to the podcast?

2008 8 3.1%
2009 23 9.1%
2010 37 14.6%
2011 89 35%
2012 60 23.6%
2013 37 14.6%

What is your level of attachment to APOIAF?

1 62 24.4%
2 90 35.4%
3 75 29.5%
4 20 7.9%
5 7 2.8%

Do you use the forums?

Yes 114 44.9%
No 140 55.1%

What is your primary method for listening to the podcast?

Subscription through iTunes 117 46.1%
Other RSS subscription 29 11.4%
Streaming off the website (episode play button) 51 20.1%
Manual download from the website 57 22.4%

Guys Night Out vs Girls Night Out

Guys Night Outs 198 80.2%
Girls Night Outs 49 19.8%

Which of our podcasts do you listen to?

APOIAF 253 99.6%
Bastards of Kingsgrave 93 36.6%
Vassals of Kingsgrave 50 19.7%

Mimi [Rank your favorite hosts]

1 99 39%
2 56 22%
3 41 16.1%
4 58 22.8%

Ashley [Rank your favorite hosts]

1 39 15.4%
2 57 22.4%
3 69 27.2%
4 89 35%

Amin [Rank your favorite hosts]

1 121 47.6%
2 55 21.7%
3 46 18.1%
4 32 12.6%

Kyle [Rank your favorite hosts]

1 71 28%
2 82 32.3%
3 59 23.2%
4 42 16.5%

Mimi [Snakes and Scorpions Game: Podcast Hosts]

Marry 56 27.1%
Salt wife/Salt husband 92 44.4%
One Night 47 22.7%
Snakes and Scorpions 12 5.8%

Ashley [Snakes and Scorpions Game: Podcast Hosts]

Marry 72 34.8%
Salt wife/Salt husband 70 33.8%
One Night 50 24.2%
Snakes and Scorpions 15 7.2%

Amin [Snakes and Scorpions Game: Podcast Hosts]

Marry 51 25.6%
Salt wife/Salt husband 47 23.6%
One Night 37 18.6%
Snakes and Scorpions 64 32.2%

Kyle [Snakes and Scorpions Game: Podcast Hosts]

Marry 43 21.7%
Salt wife/Salt husband 53 26.8%
One Night 49 24.7%
Snakes and Scorpions 53 26.8%

Blood Oranges Theory [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 60 23.6%
I don’t believe it 67 26.4%
Crackpot Theory 83 32.7%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 44 17.3%

Pink Walder Theory [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 66 26%
I don’t believe it 56 22%
Crackpot Theory 85 33.5%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 47 18.5%

Bloodraven 1001 Bedroom Eyes [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 97 38.2%
I don’t believe it 45 17.7%
Crackpot Theory 47 18.5%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 65 25.6%

Crooked Wang Theory [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 53 20.9%
I don’t believe it 52 20.5%
Crackpot Theory 74 29.1%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 75 29.5%

Feathered Hat Theory [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 85 33.5%
I don’t believe it 49 19.3%
Crackpot Theory 82 32.3%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 38 15%

TV Tormund is related by blood to TV Ygritte [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 128 50.4%
I don’t believe it 74 29.1%
Crackpot Theory 38 15%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 14 5.5%

Creaking Door [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 189 74.4%
I don’t believe it 19 7.5%
Crackpot Theory 23 9.1%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 23 9.1%

Heir to the Iron Islands [How do you feel about the following podcast theories?]

I believe it 102 40.2%
I don’t believe it 68 26.8%
Crackpot Theory 39 15.4%
Never heard of it, please tell me more. 45 17.7%

Where do you live?

North America 164 64.6%
South America 2 0.8%
Europe 59 23.2%
Asia 10 3.9%
Africa 2 0.8%
Australia 17 6.7%
Antartica 0 0%

What country do you live in?

Hong Kong
United states
The Netherlands
United Kingdom (England)
New York City
Czech Republic
United States
Dominion of Canada
beyond usAashai
USA (dual Canadian/US Citizen)
United States.
moved to australia from britain this year
The United States
New Zealand
South Korea
India/ U.S. What is a country really?
The United States of America (Specifically the best part, California [Specifically the best part, Northern California])
New Zealand (lived in Germany, Argentina and Scotland since I started listening to you guys)
united states

What is your sex?

Male 181 72.7%
Female 60 24.1%
Intersex 0 0%
Other 8 3.2%

What is your age?

1-10 0 0%
11-15 0 0%
16-20 28 11.1%
21-25 65 25.7%
26-30 68 26.9%
31-35 56 22.1%
36-40 21 8.3%
41-50 11 4.3%
51-60 4 1.6%
Over 60 0 0%

Who is your favorite guest host?

The chicks from A Feast of Ice and Fire
Stefan, Linda, Elio
Elio or Sean T Collins
Towerofthehand.com guy
Brent Hartinger
Elio, or is he just a guest? Apocalypse Dan if so.
Steven Attewell
Elio and TOTH (Alex)
Ran, the king of the boards
Apocalypse Dan
Elio/Jason Walden
Vaarsuvuis and Bina are tied
1 Sassy Linda, 1a Elio
guys from Boiled Leather
The asian doctor guy who is a forum user. Or the guy from boiled leather.
Sean (Boiled Leather)
apocalypse dan
I like everyone
Sean T Collins – should be on more often – v.knowledgable and entertaining
Sean T Collins is awesome
Elio & Linda
Elio – duh??
Elio & Linda, Sean Collins close 2nd
Alex from TOTH
FaBio, Lex, Elio & loads of others I can’t remember atm
Alex (Tower of the Hand)
Elio/Linda and the fellas from Boiled Leather
Alex from TotH
The Westeros and BLAH people.
boiled leather/neil patrick harris
Elio and Linda
Elio Garcia
Love Fabio, Ilio, Lynda, Sean Collins and Stefan.
Larry Williams
I don’t remember many of them specifically. Whatever.
Elio Ponytail
Sean from Boiled Leather
pod cat
I can’t remember her name, she’s super awesome and in Greece!
Elio, he’s so dreamy
Any that is not that pretentious who sounds like he’s 12.
Westeros.org people
The doctor whose name started with an A
Elio I think is his name 🙂
Elio, Sean T. Collins
sean t.collins
Fabio (and all the others)
Larry Williams was memorable but not favorite
Larry! His vieuws (not having read the books) really add to the episode reviews.
Sean T Collins
Sean T Collins
Elio or anyone from Boiled Leather
I miss Chase.
larry williams
no idea
alex / elio
Elio (too obvious, I know..) and people from BoK
stefan sasse
Westeros People
Tower of the Hand Alex
Stefan Sasse
Tobias mcguffin
Elio or Linda
elio and linda
the you tube guy
I don’t know his name but the guy from boiled leather I think? Mark?
Podcast Doctor
Fabio and Elio
Larry Williams
Boiled Leather Guys
Otaku Assemble
The Dude from Boiled Leather Audio Hour
Sean T. Collins
Alyssa Rosenberg
Either or both of the Boiled Leather hosts
steffan and sean. T. collins
Chase/Nancy? Are they guest hosts now?
Elio / Sean T.
Alex from Tower of the Hand
Sean Collins
Apocolypse Dan
toth guys
Larry, by a mile
Remember that guy named Augustus or something? He was funny and smart. Bring him back. (I also love Elio and Sean T Collins)
Elio, Alex, or Sean
