
Episode 18: L & D

Episode 18 for the week of November 16th, in which we capitalize on the positive feedback from the previous release and present yet another uncut, unedited episode. This time we cover chapters 26-30 of A Game of Thrones, discuss our opinions on the exciting news from HBO, and agree to make Chase a permanent addition to the team.

(Regrettably, this episode does not include discourse concerning lesbians and/or dongs.)

Addendum: photos we are giggling over throughout the episode, for reference (@ 7:18 and @ 32:21).

82 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Harlan

    Mimi, the episode linked in the download area is episode 17 again. 🙁

  2. DocBean

    Mimi! Harry Potter???!!!
    you started it all out with Harry Freaking Potter?!

    Bad Mimi, Bad!!!

  3. Brianna

    I love you Mimi

  4. ash

    you know, i’m really wishing i was in on this first part of the discussion. i’m like iching to yell out my hatred for twilight and heath ledger really being not all that hot.

  5. Jachyra

    Chase’s Littlefinger impression was amazing.

  6. steve

    chalk me up as the 2nd person with a crush on ashley 2. rawr!

  7. Dayne (but not of House Dayne)

    Yes, but I called it first!

  8. Chris

    no your were way behind me

  9. Jill

    Enjoyed another uncut episode…..thanks for 2 in one month…woohoo!!
    Aw, come on, Harry Potter’s not bad. Can’t bring myself to read “Twilight”
    Heath Ledger (sorry to speak ill of the dead) not hot at all!
    Mimi is very funny….

  10. PestilencE

    wow, I got mentioned, I’m cool. ^^

    Anyway, nice work on that episode. I liked the discussion about Sam. I don’t agree that GRRM saw himself as Sam, though. It is known that Tyrion is GRRM’s representative in asoiaf.

  11. Mr.Wolf

    There should be a special uncut section for the twisted, separate from the mild mannered edited versions.

  12. oxmix

    I’m a voice crying in the wilderness on this one, but I don’t think you should start making a TV show based on a literary work until after the literary work is finished.

    Anyway, since our podcast cast has provied us with good headshots (seriously, they are nice head shots) why not match up the podcasters with roles they could play?

    I have lots of ideas, but I’ll start with the most complimentary:

    Amin as the Red Viper
    Ashley 1 as Melisandre

  13. Chris

    if you say Renley for me, well, I could live with it

  14. Brianna

    I was thinking more like Willas

  15. oxmix

    Really? You could live with being the big, handsome warrior prince? That’s big of you.

    I’m casting you as Littlefinger, Chris. Don’t complain. Its a primo role.Much better than Renly.

  16. ash

    oh we’ve been there. mimi is shea, i got cercei though i do like red, ben was the mighty but fallen King Tommen, Amin- yeah dornish, Aaron- generic black brother #6, i think ashley 2 was ashara? can’t remember, and nacy wasn’t here then, oh and chris got to be the pivital hampster.

  17. oxmix

    Nope. Melisandre and Irri. Irri is not a big part, I know, but Mimi will make it memorable (and highly Tivo’d).

  18. Chris

    Chase looks like a skinny Seth Rogan

  19. CJB

    This may sound a bit strange, but are there any Arrested Devlopment fans here? Because Chase’s reading of the chapter summaries really reminded me of Gob reading the menu to Lucille 2.

  20. mimi

    i am, and i think chase might be. or at least he laughed that one time i compared catelyn and bran to lucille and buster.

    either way, read me the desserts, chase.

  21. Chase

    I can’t say I remember the specific reference, but I quite dig Arrested Development. Though I’ve never actually watched it all from beginning to end, just random episodes here and there. I’ll eventually get around to wasting a day on Hulu.

  22. Johan

    No Mimi, Jaime could not take Loras, no way. The only person who has pwned the Knight of Flowers is Brienne, who also pwns Jaime.

    And keep up the Twatlight bashing 😀

    btw Mimi should totally speak Mongolian in some episode, cause that’d be cool.

  23. Brianna

    Not so sure Jaime with two hands was holding his own against Brienne and maybe almost winning.

    But I think The Hound could pwn Loras.

    We should have both Twilight bashing and creeking door

  24. Johan

    How do you reply that fast O.o???

    But Loras have defeated Jaime in all tourneys they’ve faced each
    other in, and that is not the same as an actual battle but I’m still convinced that Loras would pwn, as for Jaime vs Brienne they’re
    probably ecuals.

    Twilight basing and cracking doors ftw.this is an awsome episode.
    I miss Chris and Ash though. Hey since you obviously fancy Mimi
    do you think I can fancy Chris?

  25. Brianna

    All the tourneys? The faced each other once and Jaime underestimated him. I think that Loras was pushed into that sort of thing to young and din’t have a chance to fully develop his skills.

    I really miss ash too and Chris is always fun to listen to.

    Sure you can fancy Chris, but I think my fiancée would have a fit if he heard you say I fancy Mimi.

  26. Johan

    What? Loras have lots of skills. Even Tyrion admitted he might
    be better than Leo Longhorn himself. It was Willas who lost his
    skills and leg thanx to being pushed into that way to early.

    We’ll let’s not mention anything to him then, and I’m sure if he
    knew he’d be understanding. I might not know him, but Mimi is
    quite hot, sure he wouldn’t mind a threesome?

  27. Brianna

    I didn’t say that he had no skills I said he’d be better if he had more time to learn.

    My guy wouldn’t like that. Mimi would like that. I would like that. Why do you think that I like women? But you have a point Mimi is hot.

    Mimi i’m sorry that he dragged you into this.

  28. Johan

    Lol this turned into an intresting discussion. I don’t think
    you like women, I think you like Mimi, which just
    happens to be a woman 😉 As a matter of fact I might
    claim you’re a bit Mimisexual, but then who isn’t?

    Mimi, in diffrence to Wolfie, I’m not the least bit sorry
    that I dragged you into this conversation. You’re just
    such a great person to have in any conversation.

  29. Brianna

    I don’t like women in that way! I think Mimi and I would be really great friends but I think she already has someone even if I went that way.

    Mimi has no idea what that means.And she is probably embrassed.

  30. Johan

    I know you don’t like women 😛 I was just kiddin,
    obviously since you have a fiancee. And yeah I
    think Mimi’s mentioned sometime she has a
    boy friend. Wait didn’t she even say it in this
    episode when they talked about Elijha Wood?

    Mimi? Emberrassed? I think not. She doesn’t
    strike me as an easily emberrassed person.

  31. Chase

    Speaking of Elijah Wood…


    Take a good, long look, Mimi!

  32. Chase

    These boxes are getting awfully tiny.

  33. Brianna

    yes they are. And that man has the most beautiful eyes in the whole world.

  34. John

    Good work guys, another enjoyable ep.

    Chase is certainly a welcome addition to the podcast and it’s good to have him onboard long-term.

    Uncut version was fine once again, although I do miss the awesome music at the start and ending.

    Just a suggestion for next week’s “Question of the Week”. Not sure of you guys have talked about this one before, but what do you think of the theory that the Sailor’s Wife in Braavos is actually Tysha?

  35. Chase

    Well, that certainly is crazy enough (thanks westeros.org!) but … … what?

  36. John

    Have a look at this thread if you’re interested in the details of the theory: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?showtopic=19161

    Basically, the theory relies on three facts:
    1) The Sailor’s Wife appeared in Braavos when she was about 14 and is now twice that age.
    2) Her daughter’s name (Lanna) and hair are evidence of some sort of connection with the Lannisters.
    3) The Sailor’s Wife’s desire to marry her customers. You see a similar obsession from Tyrion, who treats Shae more as a wife than a whore.

  37. Ashley 2

    I think we have mentioned it before, though we probably didn’t go into very much detail about it. Personally, it just doesn’t come together for me and I want Tyrion to stay miserable.

  38. oxmix

    On your next podcast, you will be commenting on the first really good Arya chapter. It’s memorable for its plot points. Arya overhears Varys and Ilyrio plotting the Hand’s muder, but Eddard the Dim refuses to listen to her.

    The more interesting parts of the chapter are more subtle. Arya is mistaken for boy. This is the second big hint that Arya is the Stranger’s representaitve among mortals. (The first was that her name is Arya, which means Stranger. The third will be when she rides a black horse named Stranger. The fourth will be when she kills more people than the pox. The fifth will be when she joins a death cult).

    If people knew who she really was, even Gregor Clegane would cower in her presence. Of course there is one character who does know who she is: the mystic dwarf witch who meets Arya later on and who cowers in her presnce.

    We also have a neat bit of foreshadowing when Arya finds herself completely blind in the tunnel. She is able to cope because Syrio had taught her that a water dancer uses all her senses.

    We also have a scene where Arya is surronded by dragon skulls. She senses their hostility to her, and their teeth rip her clothes and flesh. (Somewhat in the style of Tolkien, no?) I think this is an indication to us that dragons and dire wolves have a natural antipathy. If so, then a dire wolf would be a pretty good Targaryen detector.

    All in all, one of the better chapters in the series, and one that can only be fully appreciated on a second reading.

  39. Chase

    Well, looks like we’ve got our crackpot theory for next episode.

  40. oxmix

    Okay. I was thinking more “literary analysis” than “crackpot theory,” but okay.

    And Chase, going by your head shot, I’m casting you as Dolorous Edd.

  41. Chase

    You did have some interesting points, but the whole thing was a bit off-kilter with me because I always took the Stranger as being the Grim Reaper analogue in the Faith. Not necessarily the one who does the killing, but the one who escorts your soul to the afterlife after you have died. Definitely not an evil being, but a neutral face of the god.

    Arya doesn’t really fit that. She just kills people out of anger and vengeance. Though I didn’t know Arya meant Stranger, and the Ghost of High Heart’s reaction when she encountered Arya is still a question mark in the air. I don’t think Arya is the Stranger’s avatar, but she certainly has a significant destiny.

  42. Brianna

    Chase if you were asoiaf character who would you be. Not who you would want to be mind.

  43. Chase

    Who would I be if I were one of the story characters? As in which one fits my personality and self concept the best? I can’t really say any one specifically. I’ve got a fair amount of Dolorous Edd in me and Tyrion’s issues with his father, some Robert with his anger and melancholy over the past..

    but really, I’d probably be a nameless peasant who got murdered while hiding in his shack in one of Gregor’s murderous raids, but even that is probably too high profile.

  44. jude

    Haha, surprinsingly, the Twlight bashing is not annoying me at all. But be honest, guys…how many of you have seen it? 😉
    Yay for adding Chase to the team! He rocks (and has the creepiest voice ever, meaning that he is secretly Littlefinger). And sorry to bring up Heath Ledger, but I have to say that he would make a terrible Jaime. Not because he isn’t good looking, but clearly the only person who can play Jaime is someone who looks exactly like that awesome cover art photo of him sitting on the Iron Throne (you know which one I mean, Mimi). That guy IS Jaime. Also, for some reason, I sometimes picture him as Prince Charming from Shrek. 😀

  45. Ashley 2

    I DID see Twilight. It was awful to the max. And no, I did not pay for it.

  46. jude

    i want to see it. i have this thing where i have to see awful movies in order to make fun of them properly. that was the only reason i saw 300.

  47. Ashley 2

    Aww…. I was going to post the links for you (so you didn’t have to pay for that shit) and now they are gone. 🙁

  48. jude

    My winter break just started 5 minutes ago, so I feel like I should be frying my brain with some beer and Twilight. i hope I drink so much that I dont remember it.
    Thanks for trying to get me links. I surprisingly can’t find any (just lots of fan made videos aarrrrrghghgh!)

  49. carly

    Yeah, I agree that the unedited episodes seem to work, and your asides are a riot to hear ( LOL OFFTOPIC HOBBIT PORN). That’s part of the fun, right?

    I just wanted to throw some comments your way on this episode. First the Pilot: I don’t think they need to include the prologue, no. But they do need to start with the Bran chapter. Mind, it doesn’t have to be from Bran’s point of view. For all we know they’ll pick their strongest actor and start it from his ‘point of view’. Could be Theon. Could be Ned. They could even start with Catelyn wandering around Winterfell wondering when the men’ll get back. Just as long as they start fairly early in the episode with the execution and the direwolf finding.
    Related, I always have a really strong mental image of characters in my head. I’m big into following the fan art for this series, so the characters are always a kind of combination of my mental images, art, or celebrities from the casting thread. So I’m the fan that’s going to be very critical of how things/people look in the show. The ONLY character I can’t mentally picture is Gregor, because (like whoever mentioned), he’s not a person, he’s just an brutal personification of rage. I dunno…. Doesn’t matter, he won’t be in the intro episode, which we the public probably all won’t see anyway so this is pointless.

    Next, Mimi, I found myself agreeing with you on a lot of points. I totally thought Gendry the royal bastard was going to play some huge political role, and to some degree I still hold on to that tenuous little dream. It’s all very Tad Williams/Robin Hobb/Sword in the Stone/fantasy. I thought Sansa and Loras where going to end up in TRUELOVE because he gave her a red rose and that had to have meant something, right, and the hot guys always end up with the cute girls!!? Oh, how naive we were.
    Speaking of that Sansa chapter, it was only on my third or fourth reread that I noticed something about Joff and suddenly how nice he is to Sansa at the feast. I always thought that was strange. But the moment after Cersei storms off the act drops. He isn’t getting pouty because of Robert the drunken buffoon, he’s acting like his crappy self only because his mom isn’t around.

    Wow. Sorry, wrote a lot.

    Chase you sound like a creeper sometimes.

  50. John

    Well, the speculation as to whether the prologue should be in the pilot has been answered over in the Westeros forums. I’ve pasted the post from Benioff and Weiss (the exec producers) below:

    Thanks again to everyone who has posted their casting suggestions and a special thanks to our excellent hosts here on the board for their synopses, which save us a great deal of time. It is encouraging to see that our actor/character ideas often match those of the board, and it is helpful to learn about a whole slew of actors we weren’t familiar with before.

    The age of the actors is a significant issue; trust us that this is something we’ve discussed with George since our earliest conversations (well over two years ago). None of the characters will be radically aged.

    The location has not yet been finalized, but we’re getting close. With any luck, George will be giving you an answer to that question before the end of the year, or very early in 2009.

    Shooting dates have also not been determined yet. We’re impatient, too, but as you can imagine this is an elaborate production, with large sets to be built, a huge cast to be filled, etc.

    For those who would like to send resumes, videos, etc.: we hope to have a casting director in place within the next month. When we do, we’ll let you know his/her name and where materials should be sent.

    One last thing: our focus at the moment is on casting the pilot. So we’re only worried about characters who appear in the pilot. Just so you know the pilot parameters, here’s the first line of dialogue:

    “We should start back.”

    And here’s the last line:

    “The things I do for love.”

    Sound familiar?

    We think you’re going to like it…


    Thus, it looks like we are going to see up to chapter 8 in the pilot. Exciting stuff. And I’m glad they are being faithful to the books by starting with the prologue. That is a good sign IMO.

  51. Mr.Wolf

    If you are indeed in need of a guest host at some point I am free currently. 🙂

    Also please put your IM’s on silence.

  52. Ninepenny

    I’m happy with unedited episodes. You see I have a lot of time to kill going to and from University and between classes, so the more content the better! Love the shows guys, keep up the good work! Am I allowed to have a crush on all the girls?

  53. Anthony S

    Put me down for having a crush on Mimi, and I’m not usually into Asian girls too, but Mimi is badass. Wasn’t much of a fan of Ashley 2, she wants Tyrion to stay miserable and not ride dragons, and Jon to stay miserable and not ride Dany 😉 ..or something like that, even though she’s a fan of Jon. Jon Snow is the greatest character. But Ashley 2 was cool in this episode, she was really talkative and energetic in this episode, I don’t know maybe she’s talkative in all the episodes and I just never noticed. sorry. But she’s got a cute laugh which I don’t think I’ve ever noticed before.

    Anyways, I think they got to have the prologue in the TV series. I think it’s important, to show a glimpse of the Others, but they can shorten it and get right to the Starks and the story. My BIGGEST fear for this is that some actors might ruin some characters. I know everyone has done this, but I wanna do it anyways, I’m bored, tell me what any of you think of this (not possible) cast. I would like it.

    Ned Stark – Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) people won’t see his death coming
    Catelyn Stark – Julianne Moore
    Tywin Lannister – Ed Harris
    Jaime Lannister – Michael Fassbender (in 300 he’s the cocky Spartan who talks to the black guy: “our arrows will blot out the sun.” “Then we will fight in the shade.” He’s totally Jaime Lannister)
    Oberyn Martell – Johnny Depp (would never see his death coming either)
    Garlan Tyrell – Hector of Troy (guy who has that kickass fight with Brad Pitt)
    Mace Tyrell – John Rhys-Davies (Gimli)
    Dolorous Edd – Billy Boyd (Pippin)
    Edmure Tully – Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan)
    Brynden Tully – Liam Neeson (Qui-Gon) maybe
    Meera Reed – Ellen Page
    I agree with Mimi that no one will be able to pull off Dany, and even Jon.

    Anyways, another great episode guys, keep it up! Only one of my friends is into these books, its not enough, I need to talk about them lol. Oh and my friend is reading the series for the first time and his book mark is right at the end of that Arya chapter right before the Red Wedding. He has no idea, he thinks that Walder Frey is playing at the “game of thrones” by marrying Roslin to Edmure because she has small hips and probably won’t give birth, making Roslin’s oldest brother heir to Riverrun. I feel bad because my friend just broke up with his girlfriend and is probably depressed enough as it is.

    So yea, cheers everyone, and let me know what you think of my list of actors.

  54. Danielle

    Some of those choices are really great, especially those for Ned, Catelyn, and Tywin.

    However the majority of the actors you picked are A-listers so they most likely won’t be cast in the TV show, as they probably have other work/would require too much money to do it (unless they love the series then maybe they’d make an exception…haha).

    In a perfect world, though, some of your choices could very well fit those characters.

  55. Anthony S

    Euron or Victarion Greyjoy – the actor for Mark Antony in HBOs series Rome

  56. Jill

    Hey guys….where are you? We miss you!

  57. Chase

    Mimi dropped the ball last Sunday, I dropped the ball this Sunday, etc.

    Lots of balls being dropped.

  58. mimi

    we’re busy trying to figure out how to turn three failed recordings into one publishable episode.

  59. Wormlips

    Hi just a question about the description of the Others’ armor. I was rereading the prologue in A Game of Thrones and noticed this extract:

    “A shadow emerged from the dark of the wood. It stood in front of Royce. Tall, it was, and gaunt and hard as old bones, with flesh pale as milk. Its armor seemed to change color as it moved; here it was white as new-fallen snow, there black as shadow, everywhere dappled with the deep grey-green of the trees. The patterns ran like moonlight on water with every step it took.”

    Is it correct to assume that the Others have the ability to camouflage with their environment?

  60. Wormlips

    Hmm I think that I may have answered myself.

    “Behind him, to right, to left, all around him, the watchers stood patient, faceless, silent, the shifting patterns of their delicate armor making them all but invisible in the wood.”

  61. Amy

    I don’t understand how you can’t just want to give Bran a big hug! I know he whines, but kid’s been through a lot.
    The only time I was genuinely annoyed at him was when he woke up and I realised he wasn’t going to start pointing the finger at Jaime and Cersei. And that wasn’t his fault. That was just me wanting to see the Lannister’s downfall. (I recently re-read the Ned, Jory & co get attacked at KL bit and I really do feel guilty about liking Jaime. He’s just become so friggin awesome).

    Having said that..great show. The ‘technical difficulties’ bit doesn’t really bother me, so (as much as we appreciate Ashley 2’s superb editing) I’m all for keeping it unedited. At least now and then.

  62. Amy

    I meant Ashley 1. Obviously. 😛

  63. Wormlips

    In the first Catelyn chapter we are introduced to the impending doom that Rickon shall unleash upon Westeros.

    When Catelyn is describing her children and their various reactions to the dire wolf pups, her description of Rickon demands ATTENTION.

    “Arya is already in love, and Sansa is charmed and gracious, but Rickon is not quite sure.”
    “Is he afraid?” Ned asked.
    “A little,” she admitted. “He is only three.”
    Ned frowned. “He must learn to face his fears. He will not be three forever. And winter is coming.”

    There you have it. Of course I am mostly projecting my own wish for Rickon to be the bane of Westeros, and saviour of the wildlings. All hail the Rickonator!

  64. oxmix

    Rikon is a cipher for sure.

    There are seven planets, seven faces of god and seven stars.

    Five of the Starks obviously match up to faces of god:

    Arya is the easiest. Her name means “stranger.”

    Ned is the Father, and the first time we see him he is administering justice.

    Catlyn is the Mother.

    Rob is the Warrior.

    Sansa is (somehow still) the Maiden

    But then what do we do with Bran and Rikon?

    At first I thought Bran might be the Smith, because smith gods are tradtionally lame. That would leave Rikon as the Crone, which does not really fit. Then I listened to the last pod cast, where it was pointed out that Bran’s injury makes him sterile. (Nice catch, casters.) Crones are sterile. Also, the Crone seems to be a seer god.

    So maybe Bran is the Crone. (By the way, “Bran”means “crow.”) If so, then Rikon would seem to have some building in his future.

    I expect we will get some more clues to this in the next book.

  65. Ash

    perhaps Rickon rebuilds Winterfel

  66. Wormlips

    Very well said.

  67. Tanne

    Oxmix, really enjoying some of your literary analysis. But I have to ask,
    does it state somewhere in the book that Arya’s name means “Stranger”? I’m not recalling the reference…..

  68. Ashley 2

    Pretty sure we said there’s still a possibility that Bran isn’t sterile…

  69. mimi

    in painfully lucid detail.

  70. Brianna

    it did hurt my mental eye

  71. oxmix

    Thanks, Tanne.

    I’m tempted to bluff my way through here by pretending that I
    read Sanskrit, but I’ll come clean.

    The seven Starks for seven gods connection came to me
    after I read that there were seven planets. This was before the
    last book came out, and before Arya joined the death cult. I
    thought that Arya sometimes looking male and sometimes
    female was significant, so I floated my theory. Someone who
    does read Sanskrit than told me that Arya means stranger.
    I googled it and found this in Wikipedia:

    “According to Paul Thieme (1938), the Vedic term arya- in its earliest attestations has a meaning of “stranger”, but “stranger” in the sense of “potential guest” as opposed to “barbarian” (mleccha, dasa), taking this to indicate that arya was originally the ethnic self-designation of the Indo-Iranians.”

    There are lots of cool little Easter eggs hidden in names in SOIAF.
    For example, Bran means crow in Welsh.

    Here are a few that I found on my own:

    Light Bringer is English for Lucifer
    Tower of Joy is suspiciously close to Joyous Guard
    Rhaegar Targaryen is suspisiously close to Uther Pendragon

  72. Tanne

    I agree that GRRM makes many allusions to some of humanity’s greatest legends in these novels.

    I think he names characters with the intent. But all of the writers I’ve ever known, keep a baby name book handy when they are looking to name characters. For some of these names I don’t think you need to look much farther than that.

    Checking out babynamesworld I found that

    Eddard (form of Edward) means “wealth protector”
    Catelyn is gaelic for “pure”
    Jon means “god has given; gift of god”
    Robb means “Bright fame”
    Arya is sanskrit for “noble; great; truth”
    Rickon if you take it as a derivative of Rickard is “strong power; hardy power.

    Funny enough Jaime is Hebrew for “Supplanter” and can be taken to mean j’aime which is “to like” or “to love” in French.

    I agree that all of the Starks start out originally exemplifying one of the each faces of the 7. But I think as time and the story progresses they begin to adopt all of the other faces until they’ve fully rounded themselves out.

  73. Anonymous

    What does your book tell you about Marwyn?

  74. Tanne

    Marwyn is Teutonic for “mariner”.

  75. Jordan

    the old name for Joyous Guard was Dolorous Guard haha ring any bells?

  76. Wormlips

    Recalling the chapter where Catelyn is grief ridden over Bran’s fall, she seems to omit early signs of madness. When Maester Luwin presents the figures for the castles expenditure, she brushes it off as though its not a big deal. Also, we cannot forget the way in which she scolded Jon, saying ‘it should have been you’. Right from her ‘humble’ beginnings in A Game of Thrones, Catelyn emits a madness, or rather a latent instability, which ultimately causes a great deal of shit to unfold. I can fully understand and sympathise with motherly love and emotional trauma. But wicked paranoid bitch gone totally bat shit is another issue altogether. Coupled with the most heinous crime of midget kidnapping, Catelyn Tully deserved the hospitality of the Freys.

  77. Anthony S

    Yea I can understand a mother thinking she lost all 5 (or 4, minus Sansa) children, being pretty angry at the world around her, but Catelyn is too much. That can’t justify some of the shit she’s done and said. Taking Tyrion was ok, because there was gonna be a war, her big mistake was letting him go, a mistake she repeats. Plus she’s cruel to Jon which was not cool. Catelyn does piss me off, though I appreciate her chapters so we can see what the Starks and Tullys are up to.

    Another thing that pissed me off that I caught on my first reread was when Roose Bolton caught up with everyone on their way to the wedding. He says he has Theon prisoner at the Dreadfort and he would make a good hostage against the Greyjoys, rather than beheading him for Bran, Rickon and Winterfell. Catelyn then says she is hoping Bolton doesn’t mean on trading Theon and letting him go one day after Theon killed her two sons, because that is what usually happens to hostages. She let the murderer of Rickard Karstarks two sons go, hypocritical bitch. I wish Jon was the last thing that went through her mind before she died. But I like how she’s back as a vengeance zombie, just killing anyone who crosses her and may have wronged the Starks or Tullys.

  78. Chase

    Jaime didn’t murder the Karstark sons, he killed them on the field of battle. There’s a big difference between that and what Theon did to “Bran” and “Rickon”

    But still, Catelyn is a cunt.

  79. Wormlips

    Lord Walder Frey being strangled to death by zombie Cate would definitely make for a joyful read. Somehow I just know the old farts going to end in a bad way.

  80. PestilencE

    Yeah? I think the old fart is going to outlive everyone in this series. 😀

  81. Steady_01

    GRRM talked about “shipping” in his NaB but is was about calenders. 🙁

  82. Jane

    This is really off topic, but Chase, you are really attractive and you have a sexy voice!!

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