
Episode 6: Cover Art Critique

(Mini) episode 6 for the week of May 4th, in which we criticize/compliment A Song of Ice and Fire cover art for the foreign language editions of the books, discover that Japanese publishers really don’t like Tyrion, and Croatians love camel toe.

Follow along the discussion by viewing all the foreign language edition art at George R.R. Martin’s cover art gallery. Or just listen to us giggle nonsensically for an hour and a half.

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Wormlips

    The sword for Clash of Kings China edition is definitely modeled off bronze age daggers. They eventually became longer and with the advent of iron smelting we got what looks to be the iconic sword. Not sure what a bronze age dagger/sword has to do with a clash of kings.

  2. Mo

    You are offically my hero and for your hilarious comments on cameltoe I shall make you a salt wife. Aaron can come to cause he noticed it all.

  3. Anjou

    once again great job. While the lack of testosterone worried my masculinity at first, I grew to love it as time went on.

  4. mimi

    wormlips – thanks for dropping the knowledge, that definitely makes more sense now. i wish they would have swapped it out for the game of thrones cover, as that would have correlated better.

    mo – hooray!

    anjou – just you wait til girls night out. i swear we’ll do a way better episode than the guys.

  5. Wormlips

    These podcasts have a great thing going for them. You guys (and gals) are so lighthearted about the series that it actually makes it easier to stay attentive. If no corny humor was injected and everyone entered into serious debates…zzzz it would be like listening to a bunch of self proclaimed lord of the rings scholars. I guess this way it reaches a greater audience. Great job! Keep it up.

  6. Anonymous

    The books in German have different names because they are split up. A Game of Thrones is indeed the first two covers you can see because due to German grammar they become extremely long. It’s like adding 50% extra pages to a book if you translate it from English into German, and in AGoT that would’ve meant publishing a book heavy enough to get killed with.

  7. Anonymous

    I really should have been wearing my glasses. Some of my comments are pretty retarded.

  8. Aaron

    Woops. Forgot to add my name.


    Iron Man is awesome.

  9. Chris

    Iron Man is quite awesome.

  10. Amin

    Cool episode. Makes me wish I was there, hah. I guess I was though in a way (the cover reference =D)

  11. wormlips

    All my books are harper-collins but I don’t think that the US bantam covers are all that bad. Oh wait the ones that have out of context cover art can rightly be said to SUCK! I agree that they are a turn off to the average reader. I remember when I picked up the harper-collins a game of thrones and thought this would be another generic fantasy novel. I mean lets face it, all fantasy novels are praised. Damn the world of marketing. All the Conan/Frodo/Al’Thor wannabe art that is being replicated has made me disinterested in anything remotely akin to fantasy. Go with the old school plain covers!

  12. Slurpee_E

    Funny episode. I think the gate with the two horses is Vaes Dothrak.

    I can totally see the glowing Mr. Burns as an other too.

    Also, Iron Man rules.

  13. Anjou

    The Spanish CoK cover art with Dany both aroused and terrified me. She gets no love, no respect I tell ya!

  14. Anonymous

    the Spanish cover art is by far my favorite. The Dany one is amazing and the Kingsmoot one rules

  15. lina

    Hey, you guys left Davos out of the poll! ;_;

  16. Aaron


    Yeah they talked about it in tonight’s recording. Thanks to both of you for the spoiler 🙁

    I seriously don’t want to know anything about the next book.


  17. Anjou

    Me neither. Go away for foul fiend. Ever since I found Westeros.org and this broadcast my entire fantasy world has come crumbling down. UGH

  18. wormlips

    he he! Relax I have yet to read AFFC so you’re not the only one’s being slapped with info.

  19. a podcast of ice and fire

    sorry wormlips, i was asked to delete your comment because our podcast will remain as spoiler-free as possible for adwd.

  20. wormlips

    nah thats cool! I apologize and in future I’ll try to keep my worms in check…k cheesy, I know, but I’m bored stupid.

  21. Jovi

    You know what movie I really, really enjoy? “Broken Arrow”. I love it because the mentor in the story ends up becoming the antagonist. How often does that happpen? I just watched it and had to comment. 🙂

  22. Mo

    The best one hast to be eaither demon baby Tyrion or the Chinese Game o’ Thrones with the Barbarian, Dragon, and Hunky Man amidst the floating green chasms. WTF CHINA? Or whoever made that one.

  23. Anjou

    Jovi: I can cite at least three instances when the mentor becomes the antagonist.

    Batman Begins
    Star Wars Episode 3

    They might be a stretch, but that’s how I saw them.

  24. wormlips

    Jovi I’m looking at imdb and broken arrow got a fairly dodgey rating.

  25. Jovi

    Ha, you’re right! I have seen all those and never really saw them that way. Good observation.

    I know it has a crappy rating. But I still like it. 🙂

    Hm, I seem to always speak off-topic. I guess I should quit doin that. 😛

  26. KyleM

    That was a great episode. Interactive podcasts. Not a bad idea. I had a great time listening to your discusion while I looked the the corresponding covers.

    You guys were on the french covers of Clash of Kings and I skipped ahead a cover or two and saw the second Melissandra one and I though hmm looks like shes opening up her top and flashing someone and then when you guys got there the first thing mimi says is “looks like shes flashing someone”. Haha I started cracking up.

    Great job.

  27. Carly

    So hey.

    Just wanted you to know.

    I’m dissatisfied with the work you did on the, uh, korean cover of a game of thrones.


  28. SoS_AP_5

    errr, someone at one point said “Czechoslovakian cover”.

    Come on, people, what year are we living in? 😀

  29. Aaron

    It might have been me. To be fair, the website says ‘czech’, and I have removed relatives that came from the former Czechoslovakia and still refer to it that way.

  30. SoS_AP_5

    It was one of the girls. 😀

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