
The State of Things

I’m sure you’ve noticed, but we haven’t released in a couple weeks. Certain life issues have gotten in the way, for all of us, and until that all clears up we’ll be on a hiatus for at least a month. This is no Fenris Hiatus, I assure you that (if you understand that reference, high fucking five), but we’re not dead yet.

Please keep sending in any show ideas (What Ifs? Hedge Knight, HBO series, etc), feedback, and declarations of love. Twitter, voice mail, or just old fashioned email via the contact box to the right… We all still love to receive that, whether it be positive or negative. It’s all welcome.

Sorry again, we’ll try and get everything back in gear soon enough. Don’t go forgetting about us!

37 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Linda

    Snif snif!
    Please drop some lost episodes! Your podcast is the only thing that makes the waiting bearable! (plus free laughs!)

  2. Chase

    We’ll see what we can do about those lost episodes. I may or may not have sufficient time to edit them to the “quality” you expect, though. I’ll post some of the contents of said lost episodes later, see how they sound to you.

  3. Michael

    I second the lost episodes plea, and I’m really not too worried about quality, I liked the unedited episodes just as well as the sanitized, on-topic, and vulgarity free episodes that you usually release. 🙂

  4. keithweed

    Too bad that not enough listeners submit audio messages to you,because if they did you could do some listener feedback episodes during your hiatus periods.This is my first time posting and I wanna say your show is the shit,hope to hear many more.

  5. Amin

    I am making progress on the “What If – Part 2” episode, however we still need more suggestions. Email is ok, voice comments via mp3 or skype message are best.

  6. Anonymous

    Don’t forget about our facebook group either!

  7. Chase

    and Twitter. Let’s get some tweetin up in dis

  8. keithweed

    In his pic to the right,Chase looks like he’s passing a kidney stone.

  9. Sebastian

    Don’t you fuckers pull a Jordan on us now.. 😉

  10. keithweed

    I think they’re too young and healthy for that to happen unless there was a sudden outbreak of the swine-flu in the podcast community.

  11. Brian

    haha yea!! and dont pull a GRRM on us either!!!

  12. keithweed

    I heard a rumor that Chris is spending the summer traveling with a Renaissance Fair dressing as Renly on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays;and doing Loras on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays.And for his weekly grand finale,he will perform his Petyr Baelish One Man Show every Sunday titled:”The Mother or the Daughter:Necrophilia or Pedophilia.”

  13. Brian

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know I just started listening to the podcast and it rocks!! A friend got me into the series without telling me the situation with GRRM (delaying the books). So the podcast keeps me entertained for the time being… you guys are hilarious!

  14. Sol O'Rielly

    Well I Just found this podcastand quite enjoy it. Even if I disagree with you guys alot, especially Mimi. I’m sure people are either immense entertained or creeped the fuck out by arguing with my iPod. Anyways Hope to get more soon

  15. Young Wolf

    Discussion idea: Just what the heck is Qyburn doing with these people in the black cells? I have a general idea but would like to hear other opinions. He creeps me out big time. Also, Does anyone else really hate Catelyn Stark as Lady Stoneheart? I was not made happy by that plot twist. LOL…

  16. keithweed

    And you liked Catelyn before she became Lady Stoneheart?

  17. Brian

    Yea Catelyn has always sucked ass… especially now that she is Lady Stoneheart.

  18. Does the “Contact” email service on this website still work?

    I think I just got an error message and don’t want to floor the inbox resending it…

  19. mimi

    it should be working just fine. if the contact box is tripping you out, you can always send us an email the classic way: iceandfirepodcast@gmail.com

  20. Anonymous

    How long is the hiatus?

  21. mimi

    however long a winter in westeros is.

    or however long it takes us to decide what we’re going to do with this podcast.

  22. Avalon

    Does that mean you are considering going in a different direction? Honestly, I think it’s great how it is

  23. Chase

    Honestly, we’re not sure where to go. No development on the next book, topics exhausted, coming up with subjects minutes before recording and it’s harder every time..

    Sorry again, we’re just not quite sure what’s going to happen.

  24. Check this out:


    I’m a developer for Westeros:Total War, a mod for the PC game Medieval II: Total War. I’d appreciate a shoutout to us in your brilliant podcast (next time you update, anyway :P). It’d draw a bit more fan attention to us (and maybe another capable graphics artist or two). Thanks

    PS: Your podcast is awesome!


  25. Anonymous

    The Others can bugger each other with the High Septon’s crown for all I care!

  26. Sword of the Afternoon

    We enjoy the base banter and shocking lack of knowledge! Just kidding…we really do love the podcast and podcasters and would be very sad if it were to pass into the mists…….

  27. Sebastian

    I’m glad they chose Jennifer Ehle to play Catelyn, she was great in P&P. Only thing is, I don’t want to have to hate every stupid thing she does! Grr..

  28. keithweed

    Why not just discuss the spoiler chapters from ADWD,it’s not like it’s spoiling anything considering we are never gonna be able to the read the book anyway.

  29. keithweed

    I heard a rumor that GRRM wants to stop production on a Game of Thrones and instead launch a TV series based on Dunk and Egg fighting crime across Westeros.

  30. keithweed

    Here’s an idea for a show:Try to calculate whether George R.J. Martin can finish the series based upon his current age,the time in years it’s taken for him to finish AFFC and not finish ADWD,all the traveling around the world he does to attend cons(jetlag,heavy drinking,bad eating and lack of sleep)and try to numerically determine whether the finish of the series comes first or his death.You could also try to determine whether he’ll be senile by the writing of the last book.

  31. Chase

    Already done by Zombie Lincoln, some insane goon! Here are his numbers:

    n: Number items in sample.
    n = 4 books

    c: Chapters (including (pro|epi)logue
    cAGOT = 73 chapters
    cACOK = 70 chapters
    cASOS = 82 chapters
    cAFFC = 46 chapters
    cADWD = ?

    p: Pages (US Paperback)
    pAGOT = 835 pages
    pACOK = 1009 pages
    pASOS = 1216 pages
    pAFFC = 1104 pages
    pADWD = ?

    Most productive in the last 6 weeks as has been for months if not years, finishing 3 partially completed chapters.

    r = Rate of chapter completion
    rMAX < 3 chapters / 6 weeks = .5 ch/wk

    a: average pages per chapter.
    aAGOT = pAGOT/cAGOT = 835/73 = 11.44 pg/ch
    aACOK = pACOK/cACOK = 1009/70 = 14.41 pg/ch
    aASOS = pASOS/cASOS = 1216/82 = 14.83 pg/ch
    aAFFC = pAFFC/cAFFC = 1104/46 = 24.00 pg/ch

    ì: Mean (average)
    ìc = (cAGOT + cACOK + cASOS + cAFFC)/n = (73 + 70 + 82 + 46)/4 = 271/4 = 67.75 chapters
    ìp = (pAGOT + pACOK + pASOS + pAFFC)/n = (835 + 1009 + 1216 + 1104)/4 = 4164/4 = 1041.00 pages
    ìa = (aAGOT + aACOK + aASOS + aAFFC)/n = 11.44 + 14.41 + 14.83 + 24.00)/4 = 64.68/4 = 16.17 pg/ch

    dADWD: “Done” chapters from A Dance with Dragons we are aware of (based on released samples, and read excerpts — though these chapters may not actually be done, so this is an estimate in GRRM’s favor).

    dADWD = ( Prologue + Daenerys 1,2,3,4 + Davos 1 + Jon 1,2,3 + Tyrion 1,2 + Reek ? + 3 newly finished ) = 15

    PROJECTIONS (EDIT: assuming MAX PRODUCTIVITY [hah]) (EDIT2: only based on chapters “known” to be complete.)
    u:unfinished chapters
    t: time to completion

    Assuming ADwD is of average size, concerning ourselves only with chapters count:
    uc = ìc – dADWD = 67.75 – 15 = 52.75 chapters
    t = uc / rMAX = (52.75 ch) / (.5 ch/wk) = 105.5 weeks = ~ 2 years to go.

    Assuming ADwD is of ASoS size, concerning ourselves only with chapter count:
    uc = cASOS – dADWD = 82 – 15 = 67 chapters
    t = uc / rMAX = (67 ch) / (.5 ch/wk) = 134 weeks = ~ 2.5 years to go.

    Assuming ADwD is of average size, taking AFFC length chapters into account:
    pADWD = ìp = 1041.00 pages
    cADWD = pADWD / aAFFC = 1041.00 / 24.00 = 43.375 chapters
    uc = cADWD – dADWD = 43.375 – 15 = 28.375 chapters
    t = uc / rMAX = (28.375 ch) / (.5 ch/wk) = 56.75 weeks = ~ 1 year to go.

    Assuming ADwD is of ASoS size, taking AFFC length chapters into account:
    pADWD = pASOS = 1216 pages
    cADWD = pADWD / aAFFC = 1216 / 24.00 = 50.67 chapters
    uc = cADWD – dADWD = 50.67 – 15 = 35.67 chapters
    t = uc / rMAX = (35.67 ch) / (.5 ch/wk) = 71.33 weeks = ~ 1.37 years to go.

  32. Chase

    And that’s just the numbers of words and chapters. Factor in everything else and…..

  33. keithweed

    Wow.I was just joking withthat post,I can’t believe someone went through with the math.But now that my interest is piqued could we get a formula factoring in the remaining books?

  34. keithweed

    I wish the B.W.B would crawl out of GRRM’s rectum,stop inviting him to little dress-up tea parties around every known back-ass country in the world and just let the man concentrate on writing.

  35. keithweed

    Seriously,now.How about an episode where the cast picks a new series they can agree to read.After everyone is done with the first book,you can have a discussion of said book.At the rate the podcasts are being released,it gives you plenty of time to read the book.On this episode you could also decide whether you all enjoyed it enough to continue the series it is from.Also,hopefully there will be some new ASOIAF news you could discuss by the time of your new podcast release.
    Or you could also just belittle former cast members lol.

  36. keithweed

    I want to clarify my suggestion:while ASOIAF is by far my favorite fantasy series,your podcast is one of my favorites of the thousands out there.Also,I can’t seem to find any decent fantasy podcasts that aren’t either just podiobooks or some p-cast hosted by some self-important hosts who are afraid to criticize anything because they(the p-cast hosts)were published once like 10 years ago and are scared of offending anyone in the fantasy publishing industry,hoping they’ll be published again.
    So I would enjoy hearing your opinions and unique brand of commentary(creaking doors anyone?) on just about any subject.That is the reason I kept listening to your podcast,even though it being about ASOIAF is what drew me in to start.
    I think most of your listeners would agree as long as it wasn’t about Twilight lol

  37. Anonymous

    Totally miss the podcast. I neeed to get a life.

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